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Vacuum-plasma multilayer protective coatings for turbine blades


Abstract The methods of creating the advanced nanomaterials and nanotechnologies of functional multicomponent coatings Avinit (mono- and multilayer, nanostructured, gradient) to improve the performance of materials, components and parts are considered. The vacuum-plasma nanotechnologies Avinit were developed based on the use of gas-phase and plasma-chemical processes of atomic-ionic surface modification and the formation of nanolayer coatings in the environment of non-steady low-temperature plasma. Considerable attention is paid to the equipment for application of functional multilayer composite coatings: an experimental-technological vacuum-plasma automated cluster Avinit, which allows to implement complex methods of coating, combined in one technological cycle. The information about the structure and service characteristics of Avinit coatings has a large place. The results of metallographic, metallophysical, tribological investigations of properties of the created coatings and linking of their characteristics with parameters of sedimentation process are described. The possibilities of parameters processes regulation for the purpose of reception of functional materials with the set physicochemical, mechanical complex and other properties are considered. The investigation of creating of multilayer protective surface coatings Аvinit based on Ti-TiN for turbine blades by vacuum-arc method was carried out. The influence of different methods and modes of vacuum-plasma treatment of coated surface of substrates to the adhesion value of nanolayer protective TiTiN coatings is studied. On the basis of carried out investigations the technology of coating the steam turbines blades for protection against flow-accelerated corrosions is developed. The issues of development and industrial implementation of the latest technologies for applying wear-resistant antifriction coatings Avinit with the use of nanotechnology to increase the life of various critical elements of steam and nuclear turbines are covered in detail. The book is aimed at specialists working in the field of ion-plasma surface modification of materials and functional coatings application. Keywords Vacuum plasma multilayer protective coatings Avinit, titanium, titanium nitride, turbine blades, development of nanotechnologies Avinit

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Last time updated on 08/08/2023

This paper was published in ZENODO.

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