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Perceptions Of Adults With Type 1 Diabetes About Diabetes Management And Exercise


This study was conducted to understand participants’ experiences with diabetes management and relationships with exercise for a sample of adults (27-65 years old) with Type 1 diabetes living in the United States and identify potential technological features for a digital health tool supporting physical exercise and diabetes management. The sample consisted of 12 participants living across the nation. Participants were recruited online, through social media and healthcare system platforms. Participant data was collected in the form of surveys and interviews and analyzed using a constructivist framework and thematic analysis. Findings were collapsed into four major themes: 1) making exercise decisions are often based on blood sugar, 2) low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) is a barrier to exercise, 3) connecting with peers with Type 1 enriches support, and 4) technology has improved management of diabetes. A digital health tool benefitting people with Type 1 diabetes should integrate these findings by providing exercise support based on current blood sugar measurements, including educational content on how to avoid low blood sugar when exercising, creating spaces for people with Type 1 diabetes to share experiences and interact with peers with Type 1, and exploring application integrations with CGM/insulin pump technologies

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Yale University

Last time updated on 04/07/2023

This paper was published in Yale University.

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