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ABSTRAKLiterasi digital di era saat ini tidak sekedar memahami baca tulis angka, lebih dari itu literasi digital ialah kemampuan mencari, mengolah dan memutuskan semua informasi yang diperoleh dari internet secara bijak dan produktif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat kemampuan literasi digital mahasiswa prodi PPKn FKIP Universitas Sriwijaya. Metode penelitian menggunakan kuesioner dengan survei. Responden penelitian ialah 315 mahasiswa FKIP PPKn yang sedang mengambil mata kuliah tugas akhir/Skripsi. Hasil di peroleh bahwa literasi digital dalam aspek keterampilan fungsional, komunikasi efektif, kreativitas, berpikir kritis, pemahaman konteks sosial budaya, kemampuan menemukan dan memilih informasi, Keamanan elektronik dan kolaborasi dikategorikan sedang karena berada di antara interval 2,6-3,4. Oleh karena itu perlu adanya upaya sinergi bersama antara perguruan tinggi dan mahasiswa dalam meningkatkan literasi digital. Beberapa upaya tersebut meliputi 1) pemahaman literasi digital; 2) pemerataan jaringan internet; 3) pihak kampus melaksanakan kegiatan berbasis literasi; 4) penguatan budaya menulis; dan 5) memfasilitasi beberapa mata kuliah yang berkaitan erat dengan literasi digital. 6) meningkatkan keterampilan yang mendukung  ABSTRACTDigital literacy in the current era is not just understanding reading and writing numbers, more than that digital literacy is the ability to search, process and decide all information obtained from the internet wisely and productively. This study aims to see the digital literacy skills of Civics study program students at FKIP Sriwijaya University. The research method used a questionnaire with a survey. The research respondents were 315 Civics students who were taking final project / thesis courses. The results showed that digital literacy in the aspects of functional skills, effective communication, creativity, critical thinking, understanding the socio-cultural context, the ability to find and select information, electronic security and collaboration were categorized as moderate because they were between the intervals of 2.6-3.4. Therefore, there needs to be a joint synergy effort between universities and students in improving digital literacy. Some of these efforts include 1) understanding digital literacy; 2) equal distribution of internet networks; 3) the campus carries out literacy-based activities; 4) strengthening the culture of writing; and 5) facilitating several courses that are closely related to digital literacy. 6) Improve supporting skills

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This paper was published in Universitas Sriwijaya (UNSRI): E-Journal.

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