Scissor lift for passenger vehicles


Rad prikazuje razvoj škarastog podizača za osobna vozila. U radu je prikazan opći pregled škarastih podizača, odnosno škarastih mehanizama i prikazane su njihove glavne podjele. Analizirane su prednosti i nedostaci različitih konfiguracija škarastih mehanizama. U radu su navedena postojeća rješenja za parkiranje i podizanje vozila od različitih proizvođača. Generirano je nekoliko koncepata koji su vrednovani i uspoređeni. Izrađen je 3D CAD model škarastog podizača i prikazani su crteži glavnih sklopova. U radu je prikazan proračun konstruiranog podizača. Prikazan je proračun kinematike škarastog mehanizma i dijagram sile u cilindru u ovisnosti o kutu otvorenosti mehanizma. Proveden je kontrolni proračun čvrstoće vitalnih dijelova podizača.This thesis shows the development of a scissor lift for passenger vehicles. The thesis presents a general overview of scissor lifts, i.e. scissor mechanisms and their main divisions. The advantages and disadvantages of different configurations of scissor mechanisms are analyzed. The thesis lists existing solutions for parking and lifting vehicles from different manufacturers. Several concepts were generated which were evaluated and compared. A 3D CAD model of the scissor lift was created and technical drawings of the main assemblies are presented. The thesis presents the calculation of the designed lifter. The calculation of the kinematics of the scissor mechanism and the diagram of the force in the cylinder depending on the opening angle of the mechanism are presented. Calculation of the stresses in the vital parts of the lifter was carried out

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Croatian Digital Thesis Repository

Last time updated on 14/02/2023

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