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Fakultas Ushuluddin Adab dan Dakwah IAIN Metro-Lampung
This study aims to determine the stability of Lembaga Dakwah Islam Indonesia (LDII) Purwakarta during pandemic Covid-19. LDII is an Islamic organization that focuses on the activities of amar ma’ruf nahi munkar and takes an active role in creating a nation with character. The stigma of an exlusive Islamic organization attached to LDII because it is considered a form of reincarnation of the Islamic Jama’ah. The results showed that the LDII organization was consistent in carrying out dakwah activities during the pandemic Covid-19 with semi-daring preaching efforts. This semi-daring dakwah is a combain of virtual preaching and face to face preaching. Dakwah is carried out by holding weekly recitations which some of the congregation follow directly at the mosque and some are transferred through the zoom aplications.
Keywords : Da’wa Strategic, LDII, Pandemi Covid-19, and Semi-daring
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