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Face is considered as an important part of the body as far as beauty and look is concerned. Hence, everyone in general and youngsters in particular are very cautious about beauty of their face. Acne vulgaris (A.V) is a disease of the pilosebaceous origin that causes non-inflammatory lesions (papules, pustules and nodules) and varying degrees of scarring. In Ayurveda Yauvanapidika (Acne vulgaris) is such a condition that disfigures the face during adolescent to younger age. If the condition remains untreated, it leaves permanent scars over the face. According to Ayurveda, vitiation of Kapha Dosha, Vata Dosha and Rakta Dhatu lead to development of Mukhadushika or Yauvanapidika which have resemblance with acne vulgaris in modern texts. Both modern and Ayurvedic sciences have considered the use of topical as well as oral medicines and their combination for the management of acne vulgaris. No doubt modern medication provides quick relief from acne vulgaris but cause noticeable side effects. Nowadays herbal formulations and Ayurvedic therapy are the superior choices for cosmetic purposes among the most of the population. So, the aim and objectives of this article is to minimize the side effects of Allopathic medicine in Acne vulgaris (A.V) as well as to popularized the Vamana therapy (one of the procedures of Panchakarma therapy) by a case study of 25 yrs old female patient having complaints of recurrent erythematic papules and pustules along with dark spots on her face. She was given Shodhana Therapy (Vamana therapy) and then Shaman Chikitsa (Panchkol Phanta, Chitrakadi Vati, Liv 52 DS). She got good result in Yauvanapidika (Acne vulgaris)
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