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Pokrajinske predstave o slovenski Istri
A cultural landscape is simultaneously a complex phenomenon and a process~it is a medium and a result of human activities and perception. This monograph is based on a postmodern view of the landscape and it understands the landscape not only as a physical phenomenon, but especially as a social and cultural document. Reading this document discloses the layers of meaning and processes that comprise it. This study examines the understanding and perception of the spatial effects from the history of Slovenian Istria in the twentieth century. It does not deal with direct changes in cultural landscape features, but rather with people’s relationship to them, and so social representation theory is used to represent landscape as a complex phenomenon. The focus is on representations of the landscape and history, such as their appearance in various literary, professional, and scholarly texts. Any literature can be a source for scholarly study and can enable the creation of new geographical knowledge and awareness.Kulturna pokrajina je kompleksen pojav in obenem proces, je medij in rezultat človekove dejavnosti ter njegovega dojemanja. V knjigi prikazujemo dojemanje in zaznavanje prostorskih učinkov posledic zgodovinskih dejstev v slovenski Istri v 20. stoletju. Niso nas zanimale neposredne spremembe sestavin kulturne pokrajine, ampak odnos ljudi do njih, zato smo uporabili teorijo družbenih predstav, s katerimi predstavljamo pokrajino kot kompleksen pojav. V empiričnem delu smo z računalniškim programom ATLAS.ti analizirali 147 besedil s skupno 3344 stranmi. Monografija temelji na postmodernističnem gledanju na pokrajino, v katerem pokrajina ni več samo materialna stvarnost, ampak družbeni in kulturni dokument. Njegovo branje omogoča razkritje pomenskih slojev in procesov, ki ta dokument sestavljajo- cultural landscape
- geography
- Slovenian coast
- Slovenian Istria
- state borders
- državne meje
- geografija
- kulturna pokrajina
- slovenska Istra
- Slovensko Primorje
- bic Book Industry Communication::1 Geographical Qualifiers::1D Europe::1DV Eastern Europe::1DVW Southeast Europe::1DVWY Yugoslavia & former Yugoslavia::1DVWYV Slovenia
- bic Book Industry Communication::G Reference, information & interdisciplinary subjects::GB Encyclopaedias & reference works::GBG Geographical reference::GBGM World atlases / world maps
- bic Book Industry Communication::R Earth sciences, geography, environment, planning::RG Geography::RGL Regional geography