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This in situ transmission electron microscopy work presents a nanoscale characterization of the microstructural evolution in 3D-printed Inconel 718 (IN718) while exposed to elevated temperature and an associated change in the mechanical property under tensile loading. Here, we utilized a specially designed specimen shape that enables tensile testing of nano-sized thin films without off-plane deformations. Additionally, it allows a seamless transition from the in situ heating to tensile experiment using the same specimen, which enables a direct correlation of the microstructure and the mechanical property of the sample. The method was successfully used to observe the residual stress relaxation and the formation of incoherent γ′ precipitates when temperature was increased to 700°C. The subsequent in situ tensile test revealed that the exposure of the as-printed IN718 to a high temperature without full heat treatment (solutionizing and double aging) leads to loss of ductility
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