The evaluation of a metacognition education intervention through dialogic teaching for the promotion of self-regulated learning of Deaf and hard of hearing students in Deaf schools


A majority of one's education is conducted through informal learning. With the increase in digitization and the use of the Internet, informal learning is becoming a facet of formal learning and adult learning. Learning strategies can be employed to aid students and learners toward a higher degree of achievement in academic or workplace goals. These strategies include metacognition, self-regulated learning, and self-directed learning. These tools are nested entities in that strong metacognitive skills and awareness are important to have strong self-regulated learning skills and effective self-regulated learners are effective self-directed learners. This would imply that in order to have successful lifelong learning, metacognitive strategies are a necessity. Deaf and hard of hearing people have issues employing metacognitive skills due to being passive learners, having too much external regulation, and other executive functioning issues that stem from hearing loss. The literature reveals self-directed learning is important in adult learning including on-the-job training and developing good managerial skills. The implications from the literature suggests that by increasing metacognitive skills in a formal setting, through means of active learning and scaffolding, Deaf and hard of hearing students can increase the use of metacognition in their learning which could have lifelong applications for academic success. This study will address the Deaf and hard of hearing students' deficits in metacognition through an educational intervention of dialogic teaching and evaluate the promotion of self-regulated learning.LimitedAuthor requested closed access (OA after 2yrs) in Vireo ETD syste

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Last time updated on 26/02/2022

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