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In honor of Women\u27s History Month 2014, the Kathrin Cawein Gallery at Pacific University will exhibit artist books by 11 women artist-storytellers. Storytelling is a timeless part of the human experience. From the early sharing of oral traditions to the first written word to today\u27s social media, humans seem hard-wired to love a good story. In this exhibition, 11 women artists will tell their own stories through the media of handmade artist books.
PARTICIPATING ARTISTS | Shu-Ju Wang, Susan Collard, Laurie Weiss, Helen Hiebert, Diane Jacobs, Nancy Pobanz, Laura Russell, Andie Thrams, Trisha Hassler, Claire Carpenter, Patty Grass.https://commons.pacificu.edu/mono/1008/thumbnail.jp
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