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Perilaku sadar gizi dan ketahanan pangan keluarga serta hubungannya dengan status gizi balita di Kabupaten Tanah Laut, Kalimantan Selatan


Background: Act No. 25/2000 about National Development Program and Vision Healthy Indonesia 2010 specified that 80% of Indonesian families become nutrition aware families. The result of survey on nutrition aware families in indicated that in 2006 as much as 52.7% and in 2007 as much as 27.2% of families were not yet nutrition aware. The result of nutritional status monitoring of underfives (Z-score) showed undernourishment increased from 5.1% in 2004 to 10.1% in 2005. Objective: To analyze association between nutrition aware behavior and food security of the family and nutrition status of underfi ves at District of Tanah Laut, Province of Kalimantan Selatan. Method: The study was observational with crosssectional design. The dependent variable was nutritional status of underfives (z-score for weight/length); the independent variables were nutrition aware behavior and food security of the family; and the confounding variables were characteristics of the family (parents’ education, number of the family members, knowledge of mothers about nutrition and family income). Subject consisted of underfi ves of 6–24 months with as many as 198 underfi ves. Data analysis used chi square and double logistic regression (multiple logistic regression) and qualitative analysis with indepth interview for families that were not yet nutrition aware. Result: There were 145 families (73.2%) that were nutrition aware and 53 (26.8%) that were not yet nutrition aware; based on energy consumption 51.1% of families had enough food and 48.9% were undernourished; based on protein consumption 52.5% of families had enough food and 47.5% were undernourished; and children with good nutrition status were 72.6% for boys and 72.8% or girls. There was significant association between nutrition aware behavior and nutrition status of underfives (p=0.010). The result of logistic regression test showed that there was significant association between the number of family members and food security of the family (p<0.05) with OR=5.516 (95%CI=2.584–11.775). There was signifi cant association between knowledge of mothers about nutrition and food security of the family (p<0.05) with OR=0.486 (95%CI=0.25–0.914). Conclusion: There was no association between nutrition aware behavior and food security of the family based on level of energy and protein consumption. There was significant association (p<0.05) between number of family members and food security of the family based on level of energy and protein consumption. There was significant association between knowledge of mothers about nutrition and food security of the family based on energy consumption. There was no association between parents’ education and family income based on level of energy and protein consumption. There was significant association between nutrition aware behavior of the family and nutrition status of underfives; however there was no association between food security of the family and nutrition status of underfives

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This paper was published in Repository Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta.

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