Impact Of Cyber Crime On The Society During Lockdown Period


The aim of this paper is to analyse the impact of cyber-crime on the society during the period of lockdown. The concept of cyber-crime and the new hacks to extract money from the citizens and how it has impacted the common people at large is explored. The result from this study shows that computer and internet is a potent platform for the criminals and how it has impacted the lives of the people in a negative way. The discussions are made from the findings and the paper addresses how the internet and computer can be utilised properly in a safe and secured way adopting various precautions and measures to secure the usage and on the other hand increasing the awareness on how not to be trapped in any kind of web by criminals in the cyber world

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Legal Research Development: An International Refereed e-Journal ISSN: 2456-3870

Last time updated on 11/12/2021

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