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Peran Karakteristik dan Heterogenitas Demografi Tim Manajemen Puncak Dalam Kinerja Rumah Sakit


The characteristics and demographic heterogeneity of Top Management Team (TMT) can be as human capital to improve performance, formulating strategy, and gaining legitimacy in making decisions. The aim of this study was to prove the role of demographic characteristics and heterogeneity hospital’s top management team (TMT) in performance. This was a cross-sectional study that entailed hospital’s TMT in Central Java Indonesia. Secondary data was filled by human resource department staff. Hospital identity, demographic characteristics and heterogeneity of all members of TMT were; 1) age, 2) gender, 3) organizational experience inside/outside the hospital, 4) experience as a hospital’s TMT, 5) education level, and 6) educational specialization. The hospital performance score was measured by BSC, using LIKERT scale; 1 = strongly disagree; 2 = disagree; 3 = agree; 4 = more agree; and 5 = strongly agree. Total score of performance was grouped; i) score 0-75 (good), and ii) score 76-100 (very good). A total of 105 (44.38%) from 242 questionnaire have been analyzed. The average age and heterogeneity, female and gender heterogeneity, period of experience serving as TMT and heterogeneity, level and specialization of education and heterogeneity, did not play a role in hospital performance. The short period of experience in the organization inside or outside the hospital of hospital’s TMT members did not play a role, but heterogeneity played a positive role (Pearson Chi-Square = 0.037, p<0.05 or significant). The demographic characteristics and heterogeneity of hospital’s TMT in Central Java did not play a role in hospital performance as measured by BSC. The performance was thought to be influenced by hospital management courses and training, which was needed to be further proven

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Last time updated on 10/12/2021

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