Management of meat by- and co-products for an improved meat processing sustainability


Large amounts of meat by- and co-products are generated during slaughtering and meat processing, and require rational management of these products for an ecological disposal. Efficient solutions are very important for sustainability and innovative developments create high added-value from meat by-products with the least environmental impact, handling and disposal costs, in its transition to bioeconomy. Some proteins have relevant technological uses for gelation, foaming and emulsification while protein hydrolyzates may contribute to a better digestibility and palatability. Protein hydrolysis generate added-value products such as bioactive peptides with relevant physiological effects of interest for applications in the food, pet food, pharmaceutical and cosmetics industry. Inedible fats are increasingly used as raw material for the generation of biodiesel. Other applications are focused on the development of new biodegradable plastics that can constitute an alternative to petroleum-based plastics. This manuscript presents the latest developments for adding value to meat by- and co-products and discusses opportunities for making meat production and processing more sustainable.Grant from AGL2017-89831-R from the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitivity and FEDER funds.Peer reviewe

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Last time updated on 14/11/2021

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