Max Alsberg Collection 1877-1977
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Renate Alsberg, 1985.Folder 1: Publications honoring the 100th birthday of Max Alsberg: Brochure: "Erste Deutsche Strafverteidiger-Tagung", 1977 (contains copies of clippings and articles relating to Alsberg's career; lecture honoring the 100th birthday of Max Alsberg, delivered at the first Session of German Trial lawyers in Bonn on October 16, 1977, by Werner Sarstedt of Berlin (English translation).Folder 2: Addenda: review of Curt Riess' book on Max Alsberg "Der Mann in der schwarzen Robe - Das Leben des Strafverteidigers Max Alsberg" (Aufbau, 12/24/1965)Lawyer, born 1877 in Luebeck, committed suicide in Switzerland, September 1933.digitize