Contents: "SR Index";
"OUR TAKE: Blindness and Insight in Polish Studies"; Krzysztof Rak, "Federalism or Force: A
Sixteenth-Century Project for Eastern and Central Europe"; Jolanta W. Best, "'Poetry Summons Us to
Life:' A Conversation with Adam Zagajewski"; "Books and Periodicals Received"; Roger Cooke, "Forgotten Survivors:
Polish Christians Remember the Nazi
Occupation (review)";
Theresa Kurk McGinley, "The Polish Deportees of World War II: Recollections of Removal to the Soviet Union and Dispersal Throughout the
World (review)"; Romuald L. Byczkiewicz, "For Your
Freedom and Ours: Casimir Pulaski, 1745–1779 (review)"; Mary Ann Furno, "Wisława Szymborska’s 'Conversation With A
Stone:' An Interpretation";
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