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Because of asymptotic freedom, QCD becomes weakly interacting at high temperature: this is the reason for the transition to a deconfined phase in Yang-Mills theory at temperature Tc​. At high temperature T≫Tc​, the smallness of the running coupling g induces a hierachy betwen the "hard", "soft" and "ultrasoft" energy scales T, gT and g2T. This hierarchy allows for a very successful effective treatment where the "hard" and the "soft" modes are successively integrated out. However, it is not clear how high a temperature is necessary to achieve such a scale hierarchy. By numerical simulations, we show that the required temperatures are extremely high. Thus, the quantitative success of the effective theory down to temperatures of a few Tc​ appears surprising a posteriori.Because of asymptotic freedom, QCD becomes weakly interacting at high temperature: this is the reason for the transition to a deconfined phase in Yang-Mills theory at temperature Tc​. At high temperature T≫Tc​, the smallness of the running coupling g induces a hierachy betwen the "hard", "soft" and "ultrasoft" energy scales T, gT and g2T. This hierarchy allows for a very successful effective treatment where the "hard" and the "soft" modes are successively integrated out. However, it is not clear how high a temperature is necessary to achieve such a scale hierarchy. By numerical simulations, we show that the required temperatures are extremely high. Thus, the quantitative success of the effective theory down to temperatures of a few Tc​ appears surprising a posteriori
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