Flanner House Founders' Day Planning
- Publication date
- 2007
- Publisher
The members of the Flanner House Guild are planning for the Flanner House Founders' Day Observance. Members are shown discussing plans for the Flanner House Founders' Day Dinner which will be held Monday evening, March 20, in the Ballroom of the Columbia Club. Izona Warner, director of the Flanner House Social Service Division (standing left) presents a list of proposals. Seated (left to right) are: Mesdames John Morton-Finney, Charleston B. Cox, Mozelle Kuykendall, Dona Goodman, Virgil Cunningham, and Walter M. Maddux. Anna Stout, president of the Guild, and Mrs. Lionel F. Artis are standing.8 x 10 incheshttp://www.indianahistory.org/contact/contact.as