Lost Creek Settlement School Number 2


A church and a school were essential parts of the antebellum black rural communities in Indiana. Here are children at Lost Creek School in Vigo County.Names listed on the back of the photograph: Ruth Barnett, teacher; Alive Tribble; Eddie Redmon; Verner Stewart; Thomas Redmon; Philap [sic] Simpson; Kenneth Hath[eoc?]k; Addie Simpson; Beulah Ross; Euret Tribble; Gerald Tribble; Wayne Simpson; Ruby Stewart; Edna Redmon; M[ry?]le Ross; Rayford Stewart; Aldwin St[???]; {sti?}ndy Tribble; Violet SimpsonDestination Indiana African American Rural Communitie

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Indiana Historical Society Digital Image Collections

Last time updated on 11/06/2012

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