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Tracking and data acquisition system for the 1990's. Volume 8: TDAS frequency planning


Current planning calls for the TDAS to support new user and crosslink services, in addition to TDRSS-compatible services. TDRSS-compatible services would operate in current S-band and K-band channels used by TDRSS. New services, however, can take advantage of technology advances at microwave and optical frequencies. For augmented space-to-space services, 60 GHz and GaAs laser systems offer technical advantages, relative freedom from RFI, and a benign regulatory environment (i.e., minimal congestion and, in the case of 60 GHz, maximum regulatory support for TDAS-type services). For TDAS Earth-to-space and space-to-Earth services, the 30/20 GHz band offers the best mix of technical and regulatory advantages. But use of these bands would have to be coordinated with the U.S. military

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This paper was published in NASA Technical Reports Server.

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