Diabetes is the most prevalent endocrinopathy with life threatening macrovascular and mierovascular complications which has to be prevented. Diabetic nephropathy develops in majority of diabetes patients. Recent studies showed that alteration in lipid profile does play a significant role in pathogenesis of development of diabetic nephropathy. However the pattern of
alteration in lipid profile are different among different studies.
1. To study serum lipid profile in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients.
2. To estimate the association between serum lipid profile and nephropathy in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients.
This study was conducted as an observational cross sectional study in the department of General Medicine in Thanjavur Medical College among cases diagnosed with diabetes and diabetic nephropathy during January 2021 to January 2022.A total of hundred and two cases were included in this study. Ethical committee approval was obtained for this study from the institutional human ethics committee. For assessing, blood and urine samples analysis, fundus examination, ultrasonographic examination of abdomen was done. Data was entered in excel sheet and analysis using SPSS version 2.0.
A positive correlation of LDL-cholesterol, triglycerides and total cholesterol levels with occurrence of diabetic nephropathy in diabetic patients.
VLDL levels and HDL levels doesn’t have any significant impact on occurrence of diabetic nephropathy.
Appropriate use of antilipidemic drugs, with regular follow up of lipid profile in diabetic patients in addition to lifestyle modification, control of hypertention and blood sugar levels will make a significant impact on life of diabetic patients and prevent occurrence of diabetic nephropathy and slow down its progression to end stage renal disease
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