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Formation of a disc gap induced by a planet :  effect of the deviation from Keplerian disc rotation


The gap formation induced by a giant planet is important in the evolution of the planet and the protoplanetary disc. We examine the gap formation by a planet with a new formulation of one-dimensional viscous discs which takes into account the deviation from Keplerian disc rotation due to the steep gradient of the surface density. This formulation enables us to naturally include the Rayleigh stable condition for the disc rotation. It is found that the derivation from Keplerian disc rotation promotes the radial angular momentum transfer and makes the gap shallower than in the Keplerian case. For deep gaps, this shallowing effect becomes significant due to the Rayleigh condition. In our model, we also take into account the propagation of the density waves excited by the planet, which widens the range of the angular momentum deposition to the disc. The effect of the wave propagation makes the gap wider and shallower than the case with instantaneous wave damping. With these shallowing effects, our one-dimensional gap model is consistent with the recent hydrodynamic simulations

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Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers

Last time updated on 16/06/2016

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