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Viktimološko društvo Srbije, Beograd i Prometej, Novi Sad
Trafficking in children is particularly severe form of exploitation and breach of the children rights, while security and welfare of children that are exposed to trafficking are obligations of state authorities, services and organizations of civil society. System of protection and support to children victims of trafficking should contain following: criteria for proper identification of child-victim of trafficking, mechanisms for immediate referring of a child to specialized services, procedures for appointing a guardian who will secure that procedures and decisions are in accordance with the best interest of child, measures for regulating of residential status, assistance with reparation and reintegration as well as measures for protection of children witnesses and victims of trafficking. Finally, it should include a proper access to justice. In the article, recommendations are proposed for improvement of identification system, proper evaluation of needs and planning services and protection measures as well as measures and activities which should secure long term solutions in accordance with rights of the child and her/his best interests.Trgovina decom predstavlja posebno grub oblik zloupotrebe i povrede prava deteta, dok bezbednost i dobrobit dece koja su izložena trgovini predstavljaju obaveze državnih organa, službi i organizacija civilnog društva. Sistem zaštite i pomoći deci žrtvama trgovine treba da sadrži kriterijume za odgovarajuću identifikaciju deteta žrtve trgovine, mehanizme za neodložno upućivanje deteta specijalizovanim službama, procedure za imenovanje staratelja koji će obezbediti postupanja i odluke u skladu sa najboljim interesima deteta, mere za regulisanje rezidencijalnog statusa, pomoć pri repatrijaciji i reintegraciji, kao i mere za zaštitu dece svedoka i žrtava trgovine i odgovarajući pristup pravdi. U radu su formulisane preporuke za unapređenje sistema identifikacije, odgovarajuću procenu potreba i planiranje potrebnih usluga i mera zaštite, kao i mera i aktivnosti koje treba da obezbede dugoročno rešenje u skladu sa pravima deteta i sa njenim/njegovim najboljim interesima
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