Organizacija vlasti u predlozima za novi ustav Srbije


All proposed projects within the discussion round on new Constitution of Serbia emphasize the principle of authority division. The division on legislative and executive authority has been thoroughly implemented, even into the proposal of P. Nikolić, whose concept of authority division is related to the model of parliament monarchy. Differences between proposed projects on the authority organization in the new Constitution are results of the level and model of decentralization, not of the authority of the government body. Nor they are, as the polemics may lead to wrong conclusion results of the role and authority of the president of Republic. In all the projects the function of the head of the state is standard for the system of double centered executive authority dominated by the government, while the role of the head of the state is of protocol character only. Direct selection of president of the state, as proposed by the project of Serbian Democratic Party, is not sufficient to secure the moderator role, as envisioned by the propose.U raspravama o novom ustavu Srbije svi predloženi projekti insistiraju na načelu podele vlasti. Podela na zakonodavnu i izvršnu vlast dosledno je izvedena po parlamentarnom modelu organizacije vlasti čak i u predlogu P. Nikolića čiji koncept počiva na parlamentarnoj monarhiji. Razlike među predloženim projektima novog ustava posmatrane kroz organizaciju vlasti proizilaze prvenstveno iz stepeni i oblika decentralizacije, a ne iz nadležnosti organa ili, kako bi se iz polemika moglo pogrešno zaključiti, iz položaja i uloge predsednika Republike. Šef države u svim projektima ima funkcije standardne za sistem bicefalne egzekutive u kojem dominira vlada, a šef države ima protokolarnu ulogu. Neposredan izbor predsednika države koji se predlaže u projektu Demokratske stranke Srbije nije dovoljan da obezbedi moderatornu ulogu za koju se predlagač zalaže

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This paper was published in RFPN.

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