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Mental Illness - The lived experience of being diagnosed with a mental illness


Abstract - DanishDette projekt har til formål at undersøge hvordan det at blive diagnosticeret med en psykisk sygdom, muligvis kan påvirke individet og dets levede hverdag. Det aktuelle emne undersøges specifikt gennem individets levede erfaringer og deres hverdag, samt teoretiske implikationer vedrørende emnet. Således giver afhandlingen en analyse af mundtligt formuleret materiale om fænomenet at blive diagnosticeret med en psykisk sygdom, gennem en fænomenologisk tilgang og gennem den metodiske tilgang interviews. Desuden investigeres de psykologiske påvirkninger af menneskers sociale liv, som muligt følger i kølvandet på en diagnose med psykisk sygdom. Ydermere, udforsker projektet de kulturelle aspekter, der kan påvirke de pågældende personers erfaringer, og argumenterer for konklusionen af den væsentlige betydning ​​en sådan forskning har, med hensyn til eventuelt at overvinde de negative konsekvenser udtrykt af de medvirkende.Abstract - EnglishThis paper aims at researching how being diagnosed with a mental illness can possibly affect the individual and their everyday life. The issue in question specifically is examined through the lived experiences of individuals and their everyday lives, as well as theoretical implications regarding the subject. Thus, the paper provides an analysis of spoken material regarding the phenomenon of being diagnosed with a mental illness, through a phenomenological approach and through the methodological approach of interviews. Furthermore, it examines the psychological effects on the social life of human beings, which might follow in the wake of being diagnosed with a mental illness. Moreover, the project investigates the cultural aspects which might influence the experiences of the individuals in question, and in conclusion argues for the importance of such research in regards to possibly overcoming the negative repercussions expressed by the participants. <br/

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Roskilde Universitet

Last time updated on 16/03/2021

This paper was published in Roskilde Universitet.

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