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Entrusting government in resolving Covid 19: economic impacts through government support scheme


Purpose – With regard to the recent spike of Covid-19 cases and the Malaysian Government’s announcement on the extension of Movement Control Order (MCO), this study seeks to gain a deeper understanding on the role of government in exercising MCO and providing government support schemes i.e. the Malaysian stimulus package to combat the economic impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. Design/methodology/approach –The qualitative technique will be used secondary (documentary content analysis) published data into the context of this research. The data will be analysed using qualitative content, narrative, and discourse analysis to provide its findings and discussion. Findings – The findings indicated that by understanding the importance of entrusting government in resolving Covid-19, we can further enhance the government support scheme to fulfil its “raison d’etre” in resolving this pandemic not merely to ensure its positive impact in socio-economic per se, but its efforts to stabilize and strengthen the economy as well. Practical implications –This study may also motivate industry practitioners, academicians, and the society at large to appreciate the importance of entrusting the authorities in resolving the economic crisis during this plague. The study will further provide significant socio-economic impacts as the results will enable new initiatives by the authorities to strengthen Malaysian economic resilience in response to the outbreak of the Covid-19 disease to equip themselves in unpredictable financial conditions of global economic upheavals. Originality/value – The study strengthens public perception on the idea of the effectiveness of government’s policy and efforts in handling Covid-19 pandemic to achieve positive economic impacts

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The International Islamic University Malaysia Repository

Last time updated on 04/03/2021

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