ANIMATED ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING Designing Dynamic Exhibits with 3D Printing & Pixel Displays


Physical moving parts are prone to wear and tear. A pixel display can manifest complex motion and realistic images in full colour offering a form of tangibly while being less likely to suffer from wear and tear however, it remains restricted to 2D surfaces. The recent development in voxel-based printing (voxel = 3D pixel) allows multi-material and multi-colour 3D printing to transform images into physical objects. However, during the printing process the capacity to change the pixels colour and position in the future are lost, effectively fusing the digital information. The high demand for immersive experiences in video games, films, museums and interactive products are omnipresent. The combination of pixel display technology and multi-material 3D printing is a potential avenue to create immersive experiences to feed this high demand

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ResearchArchive at Victoria University of Wellington

Last time updated on 03/03/2021

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