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This article discusses the maslahah of COVID-19 mitigation, particularly in the application of social-physical distancing in terms of theological perspective. There are three main problems examined in this study, namely; COVID-19, benefit, and social-physical distancing. Using this type of qualitative research based on the theory of maqashid al-shari'ah, this study found that both social and physical distancing is a form of COVID-19 mitigation that both emphasizes distance protection through protection and preservation activities. In practice, social distancing and phsycal distancing function to present goodness and usefulness (maslahah) and to avoid bad things (mudharat). From a telogical perspective, the function of usefulness and goodness in the enactment of the rules of social distancing and physical distancing, it has the same content as the principle of the benefit of the theory of maqashid al-shari'ah. In maqashid al-shari'ah, an application of Islamic law must contain the purpose of benefit, where this benefit is measured based on three aspects; aspects of the scope of the maslahah, aspects of its influence, and finally are aspects of the strength of the proposition. Although the benchmarks vary, but in substance the three must contain the guiding principle on five things, namely; the safeguarding of religion, life, descent, intellect, and finally the preservation of property.Studi ini melakukan kajian terfokus tentang kemaslahatan mitigasi COVID-19, khususnya dalam penerapan social-phsycal distancing ditinjau dari perspektif teologis. Terdapat tiga permasalahan pokok yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini, yaitu; COVID-19, kemaslahatan, dan social-phsycal distancing. Dengan menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif berdasarkan teori maqashid al-syari'ah, studi ini mendapati temuan bahwa baik social dan phsycal distancing merupakan salah satu bentuk mitigasi COVID-19 yang sama-sama menekankan jaga jarak melalui kegiatan melindungi (protection) dan menjaga (preservation). Pada praktiknya, social distancing dan phsycal distancing berfungsi menghadirkan kebaikan dan kebermanfaatan (maslahah) serta menghindarkan diri dari keburukan (mudharat). Ditinjau dari perspektif telogis, fungsi kebermanfaatan dan kebaikan dalam pemberlakuan aturan social distancing dan physical distancing, itu memiliki muatan sama dengan prinsip kemashlahatan teori maqashid al-syari'ah. Dalam maqashid al-syari'ah, sebuah pemberlakuan hukum Islam harus memuat tujuan kemaslahatan, di mana kemaslahatan ini diukur berdasarkan tiga aspek; aspek cakupan maslahah, aspek pengaruhnya, dan terakhir adalah aspek kekuatan dalilnya. Meski tolok ukur maslahahnya beragam, namun pada subtansinya ketiganya harus memuat prinsip penjagaan pada lima hal, yaitu; penjagaan terhadap agama, jiwa, keturunan, akal, dan terakhir penjagaan pada harta benda
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