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Topological phase in a one-dimensional interacting fermion system


We study a one-dimensional (1D) interacting topological model by means of the exact diagonalization method. The topological properties are first examined with the existence of the edge states at half-filling. We find that the topological phases are not only robust to small repulsive interactions, but also are stabilized by small attractive interactions, and also finite repulsive interaction can drive a topological nontrivial phase into a trivial one while the attractive interaction can drive a trivial phase into a nontrivial one. Next we calculate the Berry phase and parity of the bulk system and find that they are equivalent in characterizing the topological phases. With them we obtain the critical interaction strengths and construct part of the phase diagram in the parameters' space. Finally we discuss the effective Hamiltonian at the large-U limit and provide an additional understanding of the numerical results. These results could be realized experimentally using cold atoms trapped in the 1D optical lattice. © 2011 American Physical Society.published_or_final_versio

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This paper was published in HKU Scholars Hub.

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