Hydrochloric Acid-Promoted Copper/Iron-Cocatalyzed Deesterificative Oxyphosphorylation of 2-Substituted Acrylates with H-Phosphine Oxides


An unprecedented method for the transformation of 2-substituted acrylates into beta-ketophosphine oxides has successfully been developed via hydrochloric acid-promoted copper/iron-cocatalyzed deesterificative oxyphosphorylation under dioxygen atmosphere, simultaneously inhibiting the formation of the preceding hydroxyphosphorylation products. Through this convenient and practical process, a library of structurally diverse beta-ketophosphine oxides could be selectively and effectively obtained with broad substrate scope and good functional group tolerance under mild conditions, accompanied by chemoselective cleavage of C(sp(2))-C(C=O) bonds

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Institutional Repository of Chengdu Institute of Biology, CAS

Last time updated on 23/01/2021

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