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Peningkatan Nilai Ekonomi Ekosistem Mangrove melalui Pengolahan Buah Api-Api (Avicennia SP) sebagai Bahan Makanan di Desa Sungai Kayu Ara Kabupaten Siak
Mangrove forests have many roles, which can be grouped into biological, physical-chemical, and economic roles. Grey mangrove (Avicennia sp) fruit has the potential as a raw material for cakes that are still underutilized. The purpose of community service is 1. To increase the value of mangrove ecosystems through the processing of grey mangrove as ingredients for making cakes in Sungai Kayu Ara Village, Sungai Apit District 2. To increase the types of cake making materials for communities around mangrove forests in particular, and 3. Improving the community's economy which continues to increase public awareness to preserve the mangrove ecosystem in Sungai Kayu Ara Village, Sungai Apit District. The results of this counseling activity showed that the participants seriously listened to the material delivered by the extension team from beginning to end. The participants can understand the material presented well and play an active role in the question and answer session, discussion, and directly involved with the speakers and students in making muffins and puddings. As many as 90% of participants who never knew the gey mangrove fruit could be turned into flour after counseling became all of them. Participants who previously only 15% knew of the potential of fires for baking ingredients after counseling activities became 100% understood. As many as 90% of participants believe that with the increased economic value of mangrove forests, mangroves can be sustainabl
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