Health promotion campaigns using Social Media have emerged as a potential way to change behaviour in a large, diverse group of people. However, successfully connecting with and engaging the target audience is still a key challenge faced by health professionals and social marketers. This chapter examines the use of co-creation and co-design processes as ways to engage young people in Social Media interventions. This method involves a ‘Wicked Problems’ studio (five-day workshop), where young adults (university students) across multidisciplinary areas and a variety of stakeholders (e.g. health organisations, government bodies, academics, etc.) collaborate to problem-solve. Using this method, we were able to understand what works and what does not work when it comes to co-creation with young adults. Towards a broader outlook, the results from this study will translate into practice through the development of a how-to guide on co-creation and co-design as a procedure for key stakeholders such as government bodies and health organisations
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