A comparative Raman study between YbVO


Abstract. An orbital ordering effect is observed in YbVO 3 around 170 K while the crystal structure is orthorhombic (space group pnma). A monoclinic transition has been reported below T N = 104 K, while according to recent specific heat measurements, it occurs at 170 K. The crystal structure of YVO 3 at 300 K is also orthorhombic. It becomes monoclinic at T c = 200 K and back orthorhombic at T = 77 K. Spins order into the C-type antiferromagnetic structure below T N1 = 116 K and the order changes into the G-type antiferromagnetic structure below T N2 = 77 K. Controversial interpretations of YVO 3 Raman active excitations have been reported. For instance the 489 and 679 cm -1 excitations have been assigned either to phonons or orbitons in two recent studies. In this communication we present a micro-Raman study of YbVO 3 and YVO 3 Raman active excitations as a function of temperature in order to trace the multiple phase transitions. Also by comparing the two single crystals spectra and previous studies in rare-earth manganites, high energy Raman active excitations are tentatively assigned

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Last time updated on 07/12/2020

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