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The role of zakat in achieving economic empowerment, environmental sustainability, and social re-engineering as promoted in the 12th Malaysia Plan


This study seeks to gain a deeper understanding on the role of zakᾱt in achieving economic empowerment, environmental sustainability and social re-engineering as promoted in the 12th Malaysia Plan (12 MP) which aligned with Shared Prosperity Vision 2030 (SPV2030) as well as United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to provide support to fulfil the Maqᾱṣid al-Sharῑ῾ah. This study uses the library study method. Qualitative approach is used in this study to collect information, documents and data accordingly with regard to the topic discussed. Results: By understanding the importance of zakᾱt in achieving economic empowerment, environmental sustainability and social re-engineering, we can further enhance the distribution and utilization of these zakᾱt funds to ensure its positive impact in socio-economic. Eventually, this may also motivate the State Islamic Religious Council (SIRC) to promote the importance of fair and equitable distribution of zakᾱt to aṣnᾱf

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The International Islamic University Malaysia Repository

Last time updated on 29/11/2020

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