Oxidative stress as pathological mechanism of parvalbumin interneurons damage


Oksidativno – redukcijski procesi događaju se u svim stanicama u organizmu, a kada se ravnoteža pomakne u smjeru oksidacije govorimo o disbalansu koji dovodi do stanja oksidativnog stresa – patološkog stanja u kojem se nakuplja toliko reaktivnih vrsta da ih naš organizam više ne može efikasno otklanjati Brzoizbijajući parvalbuminski interneuroni posebno su osjetljivi na oksidativni stres u periodu njihova postnatalnog sazrijevanja. Izlaganje NMDA receptora nekompetitivnim antagonistima poput ketamina, koji blokiraju ove receptore, pokreće IL- 6/Nox2 put u kojem se aktivira Nox2 oksidaza, odgovorna za nakupljanje slobodnih radikala i povišenja razine oksidativnog stresa koji ometa razvoj parvalbuminskih interneurona i može dovesti do gubitka istih.Oxidative – reduction processes occur in all cells of the organism but when the balance shifts in the direction of oxidation we have a disbalance which leads to state of oxidative stress – pathological condition in which so many reactive speaces are accumulated that our body can no longer effectively eliminate it. Fast-spiking parvalbumin interneurons are particularly sensitive to oxidative stress in period of their postnatal maturation. Exposure of NMDA receptors to noncompetitive antaginists such as ketamine, which block these receptors, triggers IL-6/Nox2 pathway in which the Nox2 oxidaze is acivated which is responsoable for accumulation of free radicals and invoking oxidative stress that interferes the development of parvalbumin interneurons and it can lead to thair loss

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Repository of Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek

Last time updated on 26/11/2020

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