The effects of pesticides on the development of biofilms


Biofilm je skup mikrobnih kolonija zatvorenih unutar samo-proizvedenog ekstracelularnog polisaharidnog matriksa (glikokaliksa). U ovom je radu istražen te opisan utjecaj pesticida na aktivnost biofilmova. Biofilmovi su razvijani u mikrotitracijskim pločicama gdje su kvantificirani pomoću Kristal violet testa. Enzimska aktivnost je izmjerena pomoću UV-Vis spektrofotometra. Dokazano je da manje koncentracije pesticida imaju slabiji utjecaj na razvoj biofilmova.Biofilm is an aggregate of microbial colonies enclosed in self-produced extracellular polysaccharide matrix (glycocalyx). This paper researches and describes the effects of several types of pesticides on sole activity of biofilms formed in the soil. Biofilms were developed in microtitle plates where they were quanitified using Crystal violet assay. Enzym activitiy was measured using UV-Vis spectrophotomete. It was proven that lower concentration of pesticide have weaker effect on the development of biofilms

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Repository of Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek

Last time updated on 26/11/2020

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