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Charmonium levels near threshold and the narrow state X(3872)->pi(+)pi(-)J/psi


We explore the influence of open-charm channels on charmonium properties and profile the 1^3D2, 1^3D3, and 2^1P1 charmonium candidates for X(3872). The favored candidates, the 1^3D2 and 1^3D3 levels, both have prominent radiative decays. The 1^3D2 might be visible in the D0D*0 channel, while the dominant decay of the 1^3D3 state should be into D¯D. We propose that additional discrete charmonium levels can be discovered as narrow resonances of charmed and anticharmed mesons.First author draf

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Boston University Institutional Repository (OpenBU)

Last time updated on 23/04/2020

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