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A filter design approach to maximize ampacity of cables in nonsinusoidal power systems


This paper presents an optimal design of the C-type passive filters for the effective utilization of the power cables under nonsinusoidal conditions based on maximization of the harmonic derating factor (HDF) of a power cable, where maintaining the load true power factor at an acceptable range is desired. According to IEEE Standard 519, the total harmonic distortions of the voltage and current measured at the point of common coupling are taken into account as main constraints of the proposed approach. The presented numerical results show that the proposed approach provides higher current carrying capacity, or ampacity of the cables under nonsinusoidal conditions when compared to the traditional approaches based on minimization of the current total harmonic distortion and maximization of the true load power factor. A numerical case study is presented to demonstrate the proposed approach

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This paper was published in Brunel University Research Archive.

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