Introduction. Library of Universitas Muhammadiyah Sukabumi (UMMI) plays an instrumental music on Tuesdays and Fridays morning to create nicer atmosphere of reading activities. The paper aims to describe the effects of instrumental music toward users’ reading comfort.Data Collection Method. This research used a descriptive quatitative approach with Likert scale in the surveys. The 54 respondents were gathered by using random sampling.Analysis Data. The data was analyzed by statistical descriptive to show user’s’ perceiveness toward playback of instrumental music (variable Y) and user’s’ reading comfort. The data was analyzed by using SPSS 20 .Results and Discussions. The user’s’ perceiveness toward the playback of instrumental music and the reading comfort were 1.816 and 1.972 and considered “good”. The playback of instrumental music showed a positive effect toward users’ reading comfort with R Square 16.3 %, and thus H1 was accepted.Conclusions. The playback of instrumental music in library has positive effect toward users’ reading comfort. Librarians should vary the music playlists
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