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This research entitled "The Subjective Quality of Sipus V3 software and its Information Output as a Support for Decision Making" was motivated by several problems happening during two years in the application of the software. Such automation software is expected to be able to support the success of library services and to produce statistical information for a decision making. The research aims to find out the quality of Sipus V3 software and its statistical information output, and the use of the output for supporting decision making. The research describes the subjective quality of Sipus V3 software, its statistical information output, and the use of the output in decision making process. The research employs a questionnaire method to collect data and its respondents are 44 librarians involving in Sipus V3 and 26 persons working at the information management department responsible for the statistic output of Sipus V3. By using a mean method for each indicator value, the result of the research shows that the high indicator score of Sipus V3 software quality as follows: usability-operability 3,75; efficiency of resources 3,75; efficiency of time behavior 3,68; usability-understandability 3,64; functionality-suitability 3,55; maintainability-stability for the rules of lending period and the number of items borrowed 3,43; reliabilityrecoverability 3,30; and maintainability-stability for holiday/closing days 3,20. In contrast, the low indicator score can be seen in the following: functionality-accuracy 2,84; and reliability-maturity 2,68. Furthermore the indicator score of Sipus V3 statistical information which is high is timeliness 3,31; conciseness 3,23; relevancy 3,15; and completeness 3,15. Whereas the low indicator score is accuracy 2,92. The use of Sipus V3 statistical information is very low, i.e. planning policy of circulation services 2,96; planning policy of collection development 2,88; library planning 2,69; and staffing for circulation staff 2,65. Keywords : library automation, software quality, information quality, decision support syste

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This paper was published in Berkala Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi.

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