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A new long-wavelength fluorigenic substrate for alkaline phosphatase: synthesis and characterisation


Naphthofluorescein diphosphate has been synthesised from the parent dye, and shown to be an attractive longwavelength alternative to other fluorigenic substrates for the determination of alkaline phosphatase. Its application to the determination of theophylline, an inhibitor of this enzyme, has been demonstrated. The optimum excitation wavelength of the hydrolysis product naphthofluorescein has been found to depend on the presence of additives such as cyclodextrins and (3-[3-cholamidopropyl]-dimethylamino)-1-propane sulfonate (CHAPS): such effects can be used to raise the excitation wavelength to match the output of a 635 nm diode laser in a simple and sensitive fluorescence detector

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Loughborough University Institutional Repository

Last time updated on 26/03/2020

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