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Dispensing with the indispensable nation? Multilateralism minus one in the Trump era
Since entering office, US president Trump has reversed key multilateral achievements of his predecessors, initiating a new US retreat from multilateral cooperation. For other governments wishing to preserve and deepen existing global agreements, this has posed the question of whether and how multilateral cooperation can work without the leadership and support of the dominant global power. International relations scholars have already debated the possibility of “nonhegemonic cooperation” in earlier periods marked by US unilateralism. This article draws on these previous analyses to evaluate the current prospects and limits of a “multilateralism minus one” in three key global policy areas: nuclear arms control, climate change, and trade- Zeitschriftenartikel
- journal article
- Internationale Beziehungen
- International relations
- Multilateralismus; Bestimmungsfaktoren der Außenpolitik; Ideologisch-kulturelle Faktoren der Außenpolitik; Außenpolitische Abhängigkeit/Unabhängigkeit; Internationale Handelsbeziehungen
- internationale Beziehungen, Entwicklungspolitik
- International Relations, International Politics, Foreign Affairs, Development Policy
- Multilateralität
- Unilateralismus
- Außenpolitik
- internationale Zusammenarbeit
- Interessenkonflikt
- Hegemonie
- Außenhandelspolitik
- Kernwaffe
- Rüstungskontrolle
- Klimawandel
- Klimapolitik
- Global Governance
- internationale Beziehungen
- United States of America
- multilateralism
- unilateralism
- foreign policy
- international cooperation
- conflict of interest
- hegemony
- export policy
- nuclear weapon
- arms control
- climate change
- climate policy
- global governance
- international relations
- 10500