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This training is an activity related to the economic empowerment of the community through the development of limited cultivation of vegetable crops using a hydroponic system. Counseling and Training on the use of hydroponic farming methods through residents of Anggadita villages will help them know how to grow vegetables by using the system to improve community welfare. For this reason, training activity will assist in the cultivation of vegetables using the system and will be able to become an example in the cultivation of hydroponic vegetable plants. Apart from being beneficial for themselves, this behavior will at least help reduce the economic burden of the family, especially for the fulfillment of healthy vegetables by utilizing the limited land. The expected output can be realized from this activity is the development of knowledge on how to grow hydroponics in the residents of the Anggadita villages, the formation of a social care group hydroponics in the Mitra village that can increase the awareness of the community members in the cultivation of hydroponic plants
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