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Types of cooperation between preschool teachers and parents of children with disabilities


Suradnja između odgojitelja i roditelja djece s teškoćama u razvoju je izuzetno važna za pravilnu inkluziju djece i njihov pravilan rast i razvoj. U ovom radu pojašnjeni su oblici suradnje odgojitelja i roditelja djece s teškoćama u razvoju te su analizirana dosadašnja iskustva odgojitelja o suradnji s roditeljima. Kako bi odnos između odgojitelja i roditelja bio uspješan za obje strane, potrebno je izgraditi međusobno povjerenje. Odgojitelji trebaju uvažavati roditelje kao primarne skrbnike djece i maksimalno ih uključivati u odgojno-obrazovni sustav dok bi roditelji trebali uvažavati znanja i stručnost odgojitelja. Samo uspješna suradnja roditelja i odgojitelja može voditi k pozitivnoj inkluziji djece i njihovom uspješnom razvoju.Collaboration between educators, in this case governess, and parents of children with disabilities is very important for the proper inclusion, proper development and child growth. In this paper, the ways of cooperation between governess and parents are explained and also analyzed through the forms of mutual cooperation. In order for the parent-governess relationship to be successful it is necessary to build mutual trust. Governess should respect parents as the primary caregivers of children and maximally involve them in the educational system, while parents should respect the knowledge and expertise of the governess. Only successful cooperation of parents and educators can lead to positive inclusion and successful child development

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Repository of Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek

Last time updated on 18/12/2019

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