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We address the problem of metric learning for multi-view data, namely the construction of embedding projections from data in different representations into a shared feature space, such that the Euclidean distance in this space provides a meaningful within-view as well as between-view similarity. Our motivation stems from the problem of cross-media retrieval tasks, where the availability of a joint Euclidean distance function is a pre-requisite to allow fast, in particular hashing-based, nearest neighbor queries. We formulate an objective function that expresses the intuitive concept that matching samples are mapped closely together in the output space, whereas non-matching samples are pushed apart, no matter in which view they are available. The resulting optimization problem is not convex, but it can be decomposed explicitly into a convex and a concave part, thereby allowing efficient optimization using the convex-concave procedure. Experiments on an image retrieval task show that nearest-neighbor based cross-view retrieval is indeed possible, and the proposed technique improves the retrieval accuracy over baseline techniques
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