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Positive operator valued measures and the quantum Monty Hall problem


A quantum version of the Monty Hall problem, based upon the Positive Operator Valued Measures (POVM) formalism, is proposed. It is shown that basic normalization and symmetry arguments lead univocally to the associated POVM elements, and that the classical probabilities associated with the Monty Hall scenario are recovered for a natural choice of the measurement operators.Uma visão quântica do problema Monty Hall é proposta baseada no formalismo das Medidas Avaliadas do Operador Positivo (POVM). Demonstra-se que os argumentos de normalização básica e simetria levam de maneira inequívoca para elementos associados a POVM e que as probabilidades clássicas associadas ao cenário Monty Hall são recuperadas para uma escolha natural de medidas operadoras

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Directory of Open Access Journals

Last time updated on 18/12/2014

This paper was published in Directory of Open Access Journals.

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