Evidence that the Pomeron transforms as a non-conserved vector current


The detailed dependences of central meson production on the azimuthal angle phi, t and the meson J^P are shown to be consistent with the hypothesis that the soft Pomeron transforms as a non-conserved vector current. Further tests are proposed. This opens the way for a quantitative description of q-qbar and glueball production in p p -> p M p.The detailed dependences of central meson production on the azimuthal angle phi, t and the meson J^P are shown to be consistent with the hypothesis that the soft Pomeron transforms as a non-conserved vector current. Further tests are proposed. This opens the way for a quantitative description of q-qbar and glueball production in p p -> p M p.The detailed dependences of central meson production on the azimuthal angle phi, t and the meson J^P are shown to be consistent with the hypothesis that the soft Pomeron transforms as a non-conserved vector current. Further tests are proposed. This opens the way for a quantitative description of q-qbar and glueball production in p p -> p M p.The detailed dependences of central meson production on the azimuthal angle phi, t and the meson J^P are shown to be consistent with the hypothesis that the soft Pomeron transforms as a non-conserved vector current. Further tests are proposed. This opens the way for a quantitative description of q-qbar and glueball production in p p -> p M p.The detailed dependences of central meson production on the azimuthal angle φ , t and the meson J P are shown to be consistent with the hypothesis that the soft Pomeron transforms as a non-conserved vector current. Further tests are proposed. This opens the way for a quantitative description of q q ̄ and glueball production in p p → p M p

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This paper was published in CERN Document Server.

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