Scene Description Issues for Computer Graphics


Whilst most scene description languages were developed to be produced and consumed by programs, they are often maintained by users. Unfortunately this tends to be a time-consuming enterprise, as the languages provide little assistance for even moderately sized scenes. This paper advocates the application of existing programming paradigms (including object orientation, procedural descriptions and functional composition) to this scene description process, and highlights how they may be used to considerably simplify scene manipulation. Keywords Scene Description, Object Orientation, Functional Programming, Procedures. 1. Introduction Most 3D graphics applications utilise some form of scene description file, which contains a static description of the virtual world. Whilst these are conceptually just ways of providing the illusion of persistence, and so should not be of interest to users, the lack of standards for interapplication scene transfer, the immaturity of scene editing programs ..

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Last time updated on 22/10/2014

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