Primary Health Care Governance: Case Studies in Argentina and Brazil


Transaction Cost Economics is a recent perspectiveto organizations analysis, and it is still little applied in the publicsector. The purpose of this paper is to assess the relativeefficiency of two primary health care platforms, one in Argentinaand the another one in Brazil. The transaction costs arecategorized, counted and normalized into quartiles from directobservation, interviews and documental review. Besides,institutional arrangements are described. The discriminatinghypothesis of association between organizational efficiency andthe alignment of transaction characteristics with the governancemode is comparatively tested. The analysis showed that theBrazilian case presented lower frequency of transaction costsbecause its institutional arrangement contains more coordinationand incentives with less strategic uncertainty. The evaluationmethod developed in this paper highlights the importance ofstudying the characteristics of organization for the generation ofknowledge and production of managerial contributions overpublic health service’s delivery

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Last time updated on 29/10/2019

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