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Studying the relationship between human resource practice with organizational citizenship behavior by emphasizing the role of organizational commitment in Agricultural Banks of Golestan Province
European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences
The main goal of this research is studying the relationship between human resource practices with organizational citizenship behaviors by emphasizing the role of organizational commitment in Agricultural banks of Golestan province. The design of research is a definition of a sort of measurement and statistical population of 360 clerks of Agricultural Banks of Golestan province. The number of sample, according to the Krejcie and Morgan table is 186 people and for sampling the Stratified random sampling was used. Measurement tools containing three surveys which were used for measurement of human resource actions, Laawer survey (1986) and organizational commitment by measuring Meyer and Allen (1990) and consequently, for weighing the organizational citizenship of standard Podsakoff et al (1990). The findings showed that there is no meaningful relationship between the actions of human resources and organizational behaviors by pointing the role of organizational commitment in Agricultural Banks of Golestan province
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